
Using showDialog for showing loader is a BAD IDEA. You may end up messing the navigation stack and context due to pushing and popping the loader(dialog). Hence, I have come up with an easy to use mixin ScreenLoader, which will handle the loading on the screen. You can customise the loading as well, check below how it is done.


Replace your build(BuildContext context) function with screen(BuildContext context)

Widget screen(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: _buildAppBar(),
    body: _buildBody(),

Basic Usage

Extend your screen(StatefulWidget) with ScreenLoader. Use performFuture to show loader while your future us being performed. That's it!

Override Loader

Simply overide loader() method in your _ScreenState class

loader() {
    // here any widget would do
    return AlertDialog(
        title: Text('Wait.. Loading data..'),

Override Loader Gobally

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScreenLoaderApp(
      app: MaterialApp(
        title: AppStrings.yapChat,
        theme: ThemeData(
        home: Screen(),
      globalLoader: AlertDialog(
        title: Text('Gobal Loader..'),

Priority of loaders

  • Local loader: the one you override in the _ScreenState class
  • Global loader: the one you specify in ScreenLoaderApp. Note: if you don't override local(), this loader will be used.
  • Default loader: if you don't specify global loader or override local loader, this loader will be used


