A Dart script to score libraries referenced in a given pubspec.lock. it generates an html file with some information about the lib. The rating is highlighted by colors (green, orange, red, black). Scoring is based on the following scale:

Scoring high (green) moderate (orange) low (red) minimal (dark red)
Number of Contributors >=5 <5 <2 0
Number of Active contributors >=5 <5 <2 0
Number of Major version Ahead 0 1 2 >=3
Number of version Ahead <=2 >2 >10 >15
Days since Last push <=90 >90 >365 > 2*365
Number of open issues <=30 >30 >100 -
Number of Github Stars >=100 <100 <10 -
Like >=1000 <1000 <100 -
Popularity >=90% <90% <70% -
Number of Pub points >=120 <120 <90 -

This is an example of what looks like the generated html.

score_pubspec screenshot

Quick Start 🚀

Installing 🧑‍💻

dart pub global activate score_pubspec

Commands ✨

The command requires to define env variable GITHUB_TOKEN thats represents token to make request on gitlab api.



# score pubspec.lock in the current directory

# score the given file with path argument
score_pubspec --path 'path-to-pubspec.lock'

# score only direct dependencies and skip the transitive ones
score_pubspec --only-direct-spec

