canvasPie function
Base canvas to generate pie plot (also called pizza or donut)
array with all the numbers sets to plotpies
array with each pie configurationwidth
plot width (default 414.0)height
plot height (default 288.0)backgroundColor
background color (default transparent)title
plot title (optional)legend
plot legend configurations (optional)
var series = Array([5, 3, 5]);
var line1 = PlotPie(fill:;
var line2 = PlotPie(fill:;
var line3 = PlotPie(fill:;
var legend1 = LegendItem('slice 1');
var legend2 = LegendItem('slice 2');
var legend3 = LegendItem('slice 3');
var plotExample = canvasPie(
series: series,
pies: [line1, line2, line3],
Legend([legend1, legend2, legend3], LegendPosition.bottomRight));
/* output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<svg width="414.0" height="318.0" xmlns="">
<text x="207.0px" y="15.0px" text-anchor="middle" font-size="25.0px" dy=".4em" id="none" fill="black" stroke="none" stroke-width="none" stroke-dasharray="none" style="none" visibility="inherit" >Example plot</text>
<g id="lines" fill="none" stroke="none" stroke-width="none" stroke-dasharray="none" style="none" visibility="inherit" > <g id="plot_line" fill="none" stroke="none" stroke-width="none" stroke-dasharray="none" style="none" visibility="inherit" > <polyline points="60.0,164.0 66.9,78.9 73.8,40.0 80.6,68.3 87.5,148.4 94.4,237.0 101.3,286.0 108.2,268.9 115.0,194.9 121.9,104.1 128.8,45.8 135.7,51.6 142.6,118.3 149.4,209.7 156.3,276.4 163.2,282.2 170.1,223.9 177.0,133.1 183.8,59.1 190.7,42.0 197.6,91.0 204.5,179.6 211.4,259.7 218.2,288.0 225.1,249.1 232.0,164.0 238.9,78.9 245.8,40.0 252.6,68.3 259.5,148.4 266.4,237.0 273.3,286.0 280.2,268.9 287.0,194.9 293.9,104.1 300.8,45.8 307.7,51.6 314.6,118.3 321.4,209.7 328.3,276.4 335.2,282.2 342.1,223.9 349.0,133.1 355.8,59.1 362.7,42.0 369.6,91.0 376.5,179.6 383.4,259.7 390.2,288.0 397.1,249.1 " id="none" fill="none" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="none" stroke-dasharray="none" style="none" visibility="inherit" />
<!-- the SVG is too long to put here -->
SvgCanvas canvasPie(
{required final Array series,
required final List<PlotPie> pies,
final double width = 414.0,
double height = 288.0,
final Color? backgroundColor,
final String? title,
final Legend? legend}) {
if (series.length != pies.length) {
throw FormatException('series and pies must have same length');
// margins
var frameMarginTop = 0.0;
// adjustment to create plot title
var titleWidget;
if (title != null) {
final titleMargin = 30.0;
frameMarginTop += titleMargin;
height += titleMargin;
titleWidget = Text(
x: width / 2,
y: titleMargin / 2,
text: title,
textAnchor: TextAnchor.middle,
alignmentY: AlignmentY.central,
fontSize: FontSize.custom(25, Unit.px));
// calculate the margin limits
final xStart = 0.0;
final xEnd = width;
final yStart = 0.0;
final yEnd = height;
// create main canvas
var plot = SvgCanvas(
fill: backgroundColor, width: width, height: height, children: []);
// add title if necessary
if (titleWidget != null) {
// calculate the center
final xCenter = width / 2;
final yCenter = frameMarginTop + ((height - frameMarginTop) / 2);
final radius = min(width, height) / 3;
// total
final total = arraySum(series);
// draw the pies
var previousEndAngle = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
var percent = series[i] / total;
var percentAngle = percent * 360;
var startAngle = previousEndAngle;
var endAngle = previousEndAngle + percentAngle;
previousEndAngle = endAngle;
.add(pies[i].generate(xCenter, yCenter, radius, startAngle, endAngle));
// add legend to the plot
if (legend != null) {
legend.generate(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, pies, fillColor: true));
return plot;