kaiser function

Array kaiser(
  1. int M,
  2. double beta, {
  3. bool sym = true,

Return a Kaiser window. The Kaiser window is a taper formed by using a Bessel function.


  • M : int Number of points in the output window. If zero or less, an empty rray is returned.
  • beta : float Shape parameter, determines trade-off between main-lobe width and side lobe level. As beta gets large, the window narrows.
  • sym : bool, optional When True (default), generates a symmetric window, for use in filter design. When False, generates a periodic window, for use in spectral analysis.


  • w : Array The window, with the maximum value normalized to 1 (though the value 1 does not appear if M is even and sym is True).


  1. "doc scipy.signal.windows.kaiser". https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-1.0.0/reference/generated/scipy.signal.kaiser.html. Retrieved 2019-07-15.
  2. "scipy.signal.windows.kaiser". https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v1.0.0/scipy/signal/windows.py#L1041-L1156. Retrieved 2019-07-15.
  3. "Kaiser window". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiser_window. Retrieved 2019-07-15.


print(kaiser(51, 14));
/* output:
Array([0.0, 0.000030289318777624507, 0.00004239621466381779, 0.000051380818964122076, 0.00005869490140397769, 0.00006490568309490965, 0.00007030616828562361, 0.00007507143433951038, 0.00007931605488406376, 0.00008311983051443031, 0.00008654091079321288, 0.00008962313100358323, 0.0000924004076541195, 0.00009489951744979998, 0.0000971419314382709, 0.00009914506860507969, 0.00010092317755426455, 0.00010248797129609238, 0.00010384909295185544, 0.00010501446237187035, 0.00010599053665954447, 0.00010678250685060226, 0.00010739444599705794, 0.00010782941920703497, 0.00010808956293663774, 0.00010817613849151608, 0.00010808956293663774, 0.00010782941920703497, 0.00010739444599705794, 0.00010678250685060226, 0.00010599053665954447, 0.00010501446237187035, 0.00010384909295185544, 0.00010248797129609238, 0.00010092317755426455, 0.00009914506860507969, 0.0000971419314382709, 0.00009489951744979998, 0.0000924004076541195, 0.00008962313100358323, 0.00008654091079321288, 0.00008311983051443031, 0.00007931605488406376, 0.00007507143433951038, 0.00007030616828562361, 0.00006490568309490965, 0.00005869490140397769, 0.000051380818964122076, 0.00004239621466381779, 0.000030289318777624507, 0.0])


Array kaiser(int M, double beta, {bool sym = true}) {
  if (M < 1) {
    return Array([]);
  if (M == 1) {
    return ones(1);
  var odd = M % 2;
  if (!sym && odd != 0) {
    M = M + 1;
  var n = createArrayRange(start: 0, stop: M);
  var alpha = (M - 1) / 2.0;

  var one = ones(M);

//  w = (special.i0(beta * np.sqrt(1 - ((n - alpha) / alpha) ** 2.0)) / special.i0(beta))

  var den = arraySqrt(one -
      arrayPow(arrayDivisionToScalar(arraySubToScalar(n, alpha), alpha), 2.0));
  den = arrayMultiplyToScalar(den, beta);

  var w = arrayDivisionToScalar(arrayBesselI0(den), besselI0(beta));

  if (!sym && odd != 0) {
    w = arrayTruncateLast(w);

  return w;