getWindow function

Array getWindow(
  1. dynamic window,
  2. int Nx, {
  3. bool fftbins = true,

Return a window.


  • window : String, double, or List The type of window to create. See below for more details.
  • Nx : int The number of samples in the window.
  • fftbins : bool, optional If True, create a "periodic" window ready to use with ifftshift and be multiplied by the result of an fft (SEE ALSO fftfreq).


  • get_window : Array Returns a window of length Nx and type window


  • Window types: blackman, hamming, hann, flattop, blackmanharris, nuttall, kaiser (needs beta) If the window requires no parameters, then window can be a string. If the window requires parameters, then window must be a tuple with the first argument the string name of the window, and the next arguments the needed parameters. If window is a floating point number, it is interpreted as the beta parameter of the kaiser window. Each of the window types listed above is also the name of a function that can be called directly to create a window of that type.


  1. "doc scipy.signal.get_window". Retrieved 2019-07-15.
  2. "source code scipy.signal.get_window". Retrieved 2019-07-15.


print(getWindow(['kaiser', 4.0], 9));
print(getWindow('black', 10));

/* output:
Array([ 0.08848053,  0.32578323,  0.63343178,  0.89640418,  1.0, 0.89640418,  0.63343178,  0.32578323,  0.08848053]);
Array([-1.38777878e-17, 5.08696327e-02, 2.58000502e-01, 6.30000000e-01, 9.51129866e-01, 9.51129866e-01, 6.30000000e-01, 2.58000502e-01, 5.08696327e-02, -1.38777878e-17]);


Array getWindow(dynamic window, int Nx, {bool fftbins = true}) {
  var sym = !fftbins;
  if (window is List && window[0] is String && window[1] is double) {
    // beta dependent windows
    var win = window[0] as String;
    var arg = window[1];

    if (win == 'kaiser' || win == 'ksr') {
      return kaiser(Nx, arg, sym: sym);
    } else {
      throw FormatException('Window type not found');
  } else if (window is String) {
    // without beta windows
    if (window == 'blackman' || window == 'black' || window == 'blk') {
      return blackman(Nx, sym: sym);
    } else if (window == 'blackmanharris' ||
        window == 'blackharr' ||
        window == 'bkh') {
      return blackmanharris(Nx, sym: sym);
    } else if (window == 'flattop' || window == 'flat' || window == 'flt') {
      return flattop(Nx, sym: sym);
    } else if (window == 'hamming' || window == 'hamm' || window == 'ham') {
      return hamming(Nx, sym: sym);
    } else if (window == 'hanning' || window == 'hann' || window == 'han') {
      return hann(Nx, sym: sym);
    } else if (window == 'nuttall' || window == 'nutl' || window == 'nut') {
      return nuttall(Nx, sym: sym);
    } else {
      throw FormatException('Window type not found');
  } else if (window is double) {
    // kaiser, if dont specified
    return kaiser(Nx, window, sym: sym);
  } else {
    throw FormatException(
        'window need be a String with the name of windows or array where first element is a String with window name and secound is a double with beta');