combinePublicKeys function

PublicKey combinePublicKeys(
  1. List<PublicKey> pubs


PublicKey combinePublicKeys(List<PublicKey> pubs) {
  if (pubs.isEmpty) {
    throw SchnorrException('pks must be an array with one or more elements');

  if (pubs.length == 1) {
    return pubs[0];

  var p = AffinePoint.fromXY(pubs[0].X, pubs[0].Y);
  var curve = pubs[0].curve;
  for (var i = 1; i < pubs.length; i++) {
    if (pubs[i].curve != curve) {
      throw SchnorrException('publickeys must be on the same curve');

    p = curve.add(p, pubs[i]);

  return PublicKey.fromPoint(curve, p);