createTiff static method

Future<Uri> createTiff(
  1. List<Page> pages,
  2. TiffCreationOptions options

Renders a multi-page TIFF image from DOCUMENT images of the given pages and stores it as a file. For each DOCUMENT image a separate TIFF page is generated. All given pages must have the DOCUMENT images.

pages list of pages to render options additional options of rendering


static Future<Uri> createTiff(
    List<Page> pages, TiffCreationOptions options) async {
  try {
    if (!options.binarized &&
            .contains(options.compression)) {
      throw ('Incompatible compression type. The given compression type ${options.compression} is only applicable to binarized images.');

    var pagesList = => page.toJson()).toList();
    var arguments = {'pages': pagesList, 'options': options.toJson()};
    final uri = await _channel.invokeMethod('createTiff', arguments);
    return Uri.parse(uri);
  } catch (e) {