createPdf static method

Future<Uri> createPdf(
  1. List<Page> pages,
  2. PdfRenderingOptions options

Renders a multi-page PDF document from DOCUMENT images of the given pages and stores it as a file. For each DOCUMENT image a separate PDF page is generated. All given pages must have the DOCUMENT images.

pages list of pages to render options additional options of rendering return File Uri of the PDF document.


static Future<Uri> createPdf(
    List<Page> pages, PdfRenderingOptions options) async {
  try {
    var pagesList = => page.toJson()).toList();
    var arguments = {'pages': pagesList, 'options': options.toJson()};
    final uri = await _channel.invokeMethod('createPdf', arguments);
    return Uri.parse(uri);
  } catch (e) {