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Scaffolding - a builder tool based on build_runner and mason for dynamically scaffolding a flutter application.

package:scaffolding contains the dynamic_scaffolding builder and a command line runner for static scaffolding (this uses package:mason_cli behind the scenes).


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Create a template in /lib/features/contact.dart

abstract class Contact {
    String firstname = 'Scott';
    String lastname = 'Horn';
    int age = 21; // :)
    bool favourite = true;

Ensure the scaffolding plugin is installed

flutter pub install scaffolding

Add the following to your build.yaml in the root of your project

        generate_for: [lib/features/*.dart]
        enabled: true

You can then run build_runner once off flutter pub run build_runner build or in watch mode flutter pub run build_runner watch

Afterwards call the resulting scaffolded main in your main.dart file

import 'features/contact.scaffold.dart' as scaffold;

void main(List<String> args) => scaffold.main(args);