sgp4 function

Map<String, dynamic>? sgp4(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> satrec,
  2. double tsince


Map<String, dynamic>? sgp4(Map<String, dynamic> satrec, double tsince) {
  /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */

  var coseo1;
  var sineo1;
  var cosip;
  var sinip;
  var cosisq;
  var delm;
  var delomg;
  var eo1;
  var argpm;
  var argpp;
  var su;
  var t3;
  var t4;
  var tc;
  var tem5;
  var temp;
  var tempa;
  var tempe;
  var templ;
  var inclm;
  var mm;
  var nm;
  var nodem;
  var xincp;
  var xlm;
  var mp;
  var nodep;

  /* ------------------ set mathematical finalants --------------- */
  // sgp4fix divisor for divide by zero check on inclination
  // the old check used 1.0 + cos(pi-1.0e-9), but then compared it to
  // 1.5 e-12, so the threshold was changed to 1.5e-12 for consistency

  final temp4 = 1.5e-12;

  // --------------------- clear sgp4 error flag -----------------
  satrec['t'] = tsince;
  satrec['error'] = 0;

  //  ------- update for secular gravity and atmospheric drag -----
  final xmdf = satrec['mo'] + (satrec['mdot'] * satrec['t']);
  final argpdf = satrec['argpo'] + (satrec['argpdot'] * satrec['t']);
  final nodedf = satrec['nodeo'] + (satrec['nodedot'] * satrec['t']);
  argpm = argpdf;
  mm = xmdf;
  final t2 = satrec['t'] * satrec['t'];
  nodem = nodedf + (satrec['nodecf'] * t2);
  tempa = 1.0 - (satrec['cc1'] * satrec['t']);
  tempe = satrec['bstar'] * satrec['cc4'] * satrec['t'];
  templ = satrec['t2cof'] * t2;

  if (satrec['isimp'] != 1) {
    delomg = satrec['omgcof'] * satrec['t'];
    //  sgp4fix use mutliply for speed instead of pow
    final delmtemp = 1.0 + (satrec['eta'] * Math.cos(xmdf));
    delm =
        satrec['xmcof'] * ((delmtemp * delmtemp * delmtemp) - satrec['delmo']);
    temp = delomg + delm;
    mm = xmdf + temp;
    argpm = argpdf - temp;
    t3 = t2 * satrec['t'];
    t4 = t3 * satrec['t'];
    tempa =
        tempa - (satrec['d2'] * t2) - (satrec['d3'] * t3) - (satrec['d4'] * t4);
    tempe +=
        satrec['bstar'] * satrec['cc5'] * (Math.sin(mm) - satrec['sinmao']);
    templ = templ +
        (satrec['t3cof'] * t3) +
        (t4 * (satrec['t4cof'] + (satrec['t'] * satrec['t5cof'])));
  nm = satrec['no'];
  var em = satrec['ecco'];
  inclm = satrec['inclo'];
  if (satrec['method'] == 'd') {
    tc = satrec['t'];

    final dspaceOptions = {
      'irez': satrec['irez'],
      'd2201': satrec['d2201'],
      'd2211': satrec['d2211'],
      'd3210': satrec['d3210'],
      'd3222': satrec['d3222'],
      'd4410': satrec['d4410'],
      'd4422': satrec['d4422'],
      'd5220': satrec['d5220'],
      'd5232': satrec['d5232'],
      'd5421': satrec['d5421'],
      'd5433': satrec['d5433'],
      'dedt': satrec['dedt'],
      'del1': satrec['del1'],
      'del2': satrec['del2'],
      'del3': satrec['del3'],
      'didt': satrec['didt'],
      'dmdt': satrec['dmdt'],
      'dnodt': satrec['dnodt'],
      'domdt': satrec['domdt'],
      'argpo': satrec['argpo'],
      'argpdot': satrec['argpdot'],
      't': satrec['t'],
      'tc': tc,
      'gsto': satrec['gsto'],
      'xfact': satrec['xfact'],
      'xlamo': satrec['xlamo'],
      'no': satrec['no'],
      'atime': satrec['atime'],
      'em': em,
      'argpm': argpm,
      'inclm': inclm,
      'xli': satrec['xli'],
      'mm': mm,
      'xni': satrec['xni'],
      'nodem': nodem,
      'nm': nm,

    final dspaceResult = dspace(dspaceOptions);

    em = dspaceResult['em'];
    argpm = dspaceResult['argpm'];
    inclm = dspaceResult['inclm'];
    mm = dspaceResult['mm'];
    nodem = dspaceResult['nodem'];
    nm = dspaceResult['nm'];

  if (nm <= 0.0) {
    // printf("// error nm %f\n", nm);
    satrec['error'] = 2;
    // sgp4fix add return
    return null;

  final am = Math.pow((xke / nm), x2o3) * tempa * tempa;
  nm = xke / Math.pow(am, 1.5);
  em -= tempe;

  // fix tolerance for error recognition
  // sgp4fix am is fixed from the previous nm check
  if (em >= 1.0 || em < -0.001) {
    // || (am < 0.95)
    // printf("// error em %f\n", em);
    satrec['error'] = 1;
    // sgp4fix to return if there is an error in eccentricity
    return null;

  //  sgp4fix fix tolerance to avoid a divide by zero
  if (em < 1.0e-6) {
    em = 1.0e-6;
  mm += satrec['no'] * templ;
  xlm = mm + argpm + nodem;

  nodem %= twoPi;
  argpm %= twoPi;
  xlm %= twoPi;
  mm = (xlm - argpm - nodem) % twoPi;

  // ----------------- compute extra mean quantities -------------
  final sinim = Math.sin(inclm);
  final cosim = Math.cos(inclm);

  // -------------------- add lunar-solar periodics --------------
  var ep = em;
  xincp = inclm;
  argpp = argpm;
  nodep = nodem;
  mp = mm;
  sinip = sinim;
  cosip = cosim;
  if (satrec['method'] == 'd') {
    final dpperParameters = {
      'inclo': satrec['inclo'],
      'init': 'n',
      'ep': ep,
      'inclp': xincp,
      'nodep': nodep,
      'argpp': argpp,
      'mp': mp,
      'opsmode': satrec['operationmode'],

    final dpperResult = dpper(satrec, dpperParameters);

    ep = dpperResult['ep'];
    nodep = dpperResult['nodep'];
    argpp = dpperResult['argpp'];
    mp = dpperResult['mp'];
    xincp = dpperResult['inclp'];

    if (xincp < 0.0) {
      xincp = -xincp;
      nodep += pi;
      argpp -= pi;
    if (ep < 0.0 || ep > 1.0) {
      //  printf("// error ep %f\n", ep);
      satrec['error'] = 3;
      //  sgp4fix add return
      return null;

  //  -------------------- long period periodics ------------------
  if (satrec['method'] == 'd') {
    sinip = Math.sin(xincp);
    cosip = Math.cos(xincp);
    satrec['aycof'] = -0.5 * j3oj2 * sinip;

    //  sgp4fix for divide by zero for xincp = 180 deg
    if (abs(cosip + 1.0) > 1.5e-12) {
      satrec['xlcof'] =
          (-0.25 * j3oj2 * sinip * (3.0 + (5.0 * cosip))) / (1.0 + cosip);
    } else {
      satrec['xlcof'] = (-0.25 * j3oj2 * sinip * (3.0 + (5.0 * cosip))) / temp4;

  final axnl = ep * Math.cos(argpp);
  temp = 1.0 / (am * (1.0 - (ep * ep)));
  final aynl = (ep * Math.sin(argpp)) + (temp * satrec['aycof']);
  final xl = mp + argpp + nodep + (temp * satrec['xlcof'] * axnl);

  // --------------------- solve kepler's equation ---------------
  final u = (xl - nodep) % twoPi;
  eo1 = u;
  tem5 = 9999.9;
  var ktr = 1;

  //    sgp4fix for kepler iteration
  //    the following iteration needs better limits on corrections
  while (abs(tem5) >= 1.0e-12 && ktr <= 10) {
    sineo1 = Math.sin(eo1);
    coseo1 = Math.cos(eo1);
    tem5 = 1.0 - (coseo1 * axnl) - (sineo1 * aynl);
    tem5 = (((u - (aynl * coseo1)) + (axnl * sineo1)) - eo1) / tem5;
    if (abs(tem5) >= 0.95) {
      if (tem5 > 0.0) {
        tem5 = 0.95;
      } else {
        tem5 = -0.95;
    eo1 += tem5;
    ktr += 1;

  //  ------------- short period preliminary quantities -----------
  final ecose = (axnl * coseo1) + (aynl * sineo1);
  final esine = (axnl * sineo1) - (aynl * coseo1);
  final el2 = (axnl * axnl) + (aynl * aynl);
  final pl = am * (1.0 - el2);
  if (pl < 0.0) {
    //  printf("// error pl %f\n", pl);
    satrec['error'] = 4;
    //  sgp4fix add return
    return null;

  final rl = am * (1.0 - ecose);
  final rdotl = (Math.sqrt(am) * esine) / rl;
  final rvdotl = Math.sqrt(pl) / rl;
  final betal = Math.sqrt(1.0 - el2);
  temp = esine / (1.0 + betal);
  final sinu = (am / rl) * (sineo1 - aynl - (axnl * temp));
  final cosu = (am / rl) * ((coseo1 - axnl) + (aynl * temp));
  su = Math.atan2(sinu, cosu);
  final sin2u = (cosu + cosu) * sinu;
  final cos2u = 1.0 - (2.0 * sinu * sinu);
  temp = 1.0 / pl;
  final temp1 = 0.5 * j2 * temp;
  final temp2 = temp1 * temp;

  // -------------- update for short period periodics ------------
  if (satrec['method'] == 'd') {
    cosisq = cosip * cosip;
    satrec['con41'] = (3.0 * cosisq) - 1.0;
    satrec['x1mth2'] = 1.0 - cosisq;
    satrec['x7thm1'] = (7.0 * cosisq) - 1.0;

  final mrt = (rl * (1.0 - (1.5 * temp2 * betal * satrec['con41']))) +
      (0.5 * temp1 * satrec['x1mth2'] * cos2u);

  // sgp4fix for decaying satellites
  if (mrt < 1.0) {
    // printf("// decay condition %11.6f \n",mrt);
    satrec['error'] = 6;
    return {
      'position': false,
      'velocity': false,

  su -= 0.25 * temp2 * satrec['x7thm1'] * sin2u;
  final xnode = nodep + (1.5 * temp2 * cosip * sin2u);
  final xinc = xincp + (1.5 * temp2 * cosip * sinip * cos2u);
  final mvt = rdotl - ((nm * temp1 * satrec['x1mth2'] * sin2u) / xke);
  final rvdot = rvdotl +
      ((nm * temp1 * ((satrec['x1mth2'] * cos2u) + (1.5 * satrec['con41']))) /

  // --------------------- orientation vectors -------------------
  final sinsu = Math.sin(su);
  final cossu = Math.cos(su);
  final snod = Math.sin(xnode);
  final cnod = Math.cos(xnode);
  final sini = Math.sin(xinc);
  final cosi = Math.cos(xinc);
  final xmx = -snod * cosi;
  final xmy = cnod * cosi;
  final ux = (xmx * sinsu) + (cnod * cossu);
  final uy = (xmy * sinsu) + (snod * cossu);
  final uz = sini * sinsu;
  final vx = (xmx * cossu) - (cnod * sinsu);
  final vy = (xmy * cossu) - (snod * sinsu);
  final vz = sini * cossu;

  // --------- position and velocity (in km and km/sec) ----------
  final r = {
    'x': (mrt * ux) * earthRadius,
    'y': (mrt * uy) * earthRadius,
    'z': (mrt * uz) * earthRadius,
  final v = {
    'x': ((mvt * ux) + (rvdot * vx)) * vkmpersec,
    'y': ((mvt * uy) + (rvdot * vy)) * vkmpersec,
    'z': ((mvt * uz) + (rvdot * vz)) * vkmpersec,

  return {
    'position': r,
    'velocity': v,

  /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */