fromName static method

ColorSpace fromName(
  1. String name, [
  2. String? argumentName

Given a color space name, returns the known color space with that name or throws a SassScriptException if there is none.

If this came from a function argument, argumentName is the argument name (without the $). This is used for error reporting.


static ColorSpace fromName(String name, [String? argumentName]) =>
    switch (name.toLowerCase()) {
      'rgb' => rgb,
      'hwb' => hwb,
      'hsl' => hsl,
      'srgb' => srgb,
      'srgb-linear' => srgbLinear,
      'display-p3' => displayP3,
      'a98-rgb' => a98Rgb,
      'prophoto-rgb' => prophotoRgb,
      'rec2020' => rec2020,
      'xyz' || 'xyz-d65' => xyzD65,
      'xyz-d50' => xyzD50,
      'lab' => lab,
      'lch' => lch,
      'oklab' => oklab,
      'oklch' => oklch,
      _ => throw SassScriptException(
          'Unknown color space "$name".', argumentName)