convert method

SassNumber convert(
  1. List<String> newNumerators,
  2. List<String> newDenominators, [
  3. String? name

Returns a copy of this number, converted to the units represented by newNumerators and newDenominators.

Note that convertValue is generally more efficient if the value is going to be accessed directly.

Throws a SassScriptException if this number's units aren't compatible with other's units, or if either number is unitless but the other is not.

If this came from a function argument, name is the argument name (without the $). It's used for error reporting.


SassNumber convert(List<String> newNumerators, List<String> newDenominators,
        [String? name]) =>
    SassNumber.withUnits(convertValue(newNumerators, newDenominators, name),
        numeratorUnits: newNumerators, denominatorUnits: newDenominators);