Uuid.fromBytes constructor

  1. ByteBuffer uuidBytes

Construct a UUID from the given byte buffer.

The given uuidBytes will be copied to prevent modifications.

This method throws an ArgumentError if, and only if, the uuidBytes buffer wasn't exactly 16 bytes (see kUuidBytes) long.


factory Uuid.fromBytes(ByteBuffer uuidBytes) {
  if (uuidBytes.lengthInBytes != kUuidBytes) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
      'Must be $kUuidBytes bytes long, was ${uuidBytes.lengthInBytes}',

  final copy = Uint8List(uuidBytes.lengthInBytes);
  final inputList = uuidBytes.asInt8List();
  for (var index = 0; index < copy.length; index += 1) {
    copy[index] = inputList[index];
  return Uuid._fromValidBytes(copy.buffer);