Sandbox Logger

A simple tool for more beautiful and colorful console prints.


Allows you to create custom log templates to be able to print everything that happens in your application! Likewise, it also allows quick prints just as beautifully!

Getting started

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  sandbox_logger: ^1.0.0

Import it:

import 'package:sandbox_logger/sandbox_logger.dart';

Usage Exemples

Exemple of a quick log of object:

Colors, icons can be changed. The parameter headler, map and text are optional.

void main() {
  // A model that will be used as exemple
  _ModelForExemple exempleModel = _ModelForExemple(
    name: 'Igor Miranda Souza',
    age: 21,
    hasBugs: true,
    height: 1.82,
    address: Address(
      city: 'Silicon Valley',
      country: 'California',

  // Log in green when your methods have success!
    header: 'Request made successfully!',
    text: 'Status code: 200',
    map: exempleModel.toMap(),
  // Log in red in your error handler when you got a error.
  // An error is bad, but an error without a nice log is worse.
    header: 'An error occurred in my request!',
    text: 'ERRO 404! Invalid Route',

  // Log in yellow a warning to be aware when something happends
    header: 'The document coming from the api is huge! '
        'Beware of large orders like this... A large file '
        'like this will spend a lot of the user\'s internet to download it.',
    text: ' [ Imagine here a huge value ]',

  // Default log in white to check or see infos.
    text: 'Is this variable correct? let\'s check',
    header: 'The value that came from the api is ${exempleModel.age}',

The console:

Example of a more complex, beautiful and personalized print:

void main() {
  // A model that will be used as exemple
  _ModelForExemple exempleModel = _ModelForExemple(
    name: 'Igor Miranda Souza',
    age: 21,
    hasBugs: true,
    height: 1.82,
    address: Address(
      city: 'Silicon Valley',
      country: 'California',
  // Build your own template log with beginning, middle and end!
  // The normal sequence is a [headler] first, then an indeterminate
  // number of [middle] and ending with [bottom].that
  // Use [LogStringModel] to add a string and [LogMapModel] when you
  // want to add a object to the list of [LogModel] that will be printed.
  // Using only [headler] and ending with [bottom] without [middle]
  // in the sequence is totaly okay to.
    LogStringModel.headler('This is a headler text'),
    LogStringModel.middle('This is a middle text'),
    LogMapModel.middle(exempleModel.toMap(), title: 'My Model:'),
    LogStringModel.bottom('This is a final bottom text'),

The console:

See the complete code in the /example folder.


Note: It is dangerous to leave prints of http requests appearing on the console in production. Try creating a flag to only make your prints when in develop mode.

