Samsung Wallet 1.1.0

Samsung Wallet for Flutter


support flutter >= 3.0, dart >= 2.17.0, < 4.0.0

compileSdkVersion 34

More Information

You can get more information the Samsung Wallet documentation.


This package based on the Android sample code from Samsung Wallet. If you need the reference code, you can click here to access it.

How to use

  1. add dependency
  • Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.
  samsung_wallet: newest_version
  1. Add Permission
  • Add permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

If you want more information, Please check this

  1. Set main
  • Please add 'WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();' code to your main in main.dart file
void main() {
  1. Initialization SamsungWallet
  • Initialization SamsungWallet Object
  final samsungWalletPlugin = SamsungWallet(
      countryCode: countryCode,
      partnerCode: partnerCode,
      impressionURL: impressionUrl);

If you initialize the SamsungWallet object, it will automatically check SamsungWallet support immediately.

The results can be viewed in the debug console log.

  1. Create onTapMethod for add Card
  • If Samsung wallet is supported, you can add card.
function onTap(){
        cardID: cardId, cData: cdata, clickURL: clickUrl);
  1. Add Samsung Wallet Button Widget
AddToSamsungWalletButton(onTapAddCard: onTap)


  1. Add to Wallet Test Tool
  • If you want Using 'Add to Wallet Test Tool', try this widget

More information about 'Add to Wallet Test Tool' Please check this

  1. How to make Cdata
  • You can make cdata using JWT Generator. Please check here about JWT Generator


Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on my GitHub page.

