SadadPay Flutter

Flutter plugin for Sadad Payment SDK.

pub package

Getting Started

This flutter plugin is a wrapper around our Android and iOS SDKs.

The following documentation is only focused on the wrapper around our flutter Android and iOS SDKs. To know more about our SDKs and how to link them within the projects, refer to the following documentation:

To know more about Sadad payment flow and steps involved, read up here:


  • Learn about the Sadad Payment Flow.
  • Sign up for a SadadPay Account and generate the API Keys from the Sadad Dashboard. Using the Test keys helps simulate a sandbox environment. No actual monetary transaction happens when using the Test keys. Use Live keys once you have thoroughly tested the application and are ready to go live.


This plugin is available on Pub:

Add this to dependencies in your app's pubspec.yaml

sadad_payment_flutter: ^0.0.37

Note for Android: Make sure that the minimum API level for your app is 21 or higher.

Note for iOS: Make sure that the minimum deployment target for your app is iOS 12.0 or higher. Also, don't forget to enable bitcode for your project.

Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.


Sample code to integrate can be found in example/lib/main.dart.

Import package

import 'package:sadad_payment_flutter/sadad_payment_flutter.dart';

Create Razorpay instance

  InkWell(onTap: () async {
                  Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
                    builder: (context) {
                      return PaymentScreen(
                          orderId: "fdsgcfmgjd434234rgdrg",
                          productDetail: [],
                          customerName: "demo",
                          amount: total(),
                          email: "",
                          mobile: "98987879",
                          token: token,
                          packageMode: PackageMode.debug,
                          isWalletEnabled: true,
                          paymentTypes: [PaymentType.creditCard,PaymentType.sadadPay,PaymentType.debitCard],
                          image: Image.asset("assets/meera.jpg"),
                          titleText: "AL Meera Hyper Market",
                          paymentButtonTextColor: Colors.white,
                  )).then((value) {
                    setState(() {
                      response = value.toString().replaceAll(",", "\n");
                    print("back value :: ${value}");
              child: Container(
                height: 50,
                child: Center(
                    child: Text(
                  style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),

Parameter Details

Here is the parameter type and description to pass.

Field Name Type Description
orderId String Pass orderId it shuold be unique.
productDetail Map<String, String> Pass your product details array of Map<String, String>.
customerName String Pass your customer name.
amount Double Pass amount of your order.
email String Pass email address of your customer.
mobile String Pass mobile number of your customer.
token String Pass token generated using Sadad.
packageMode PackageMode Pass package mode Sandbox or Live. During testing pass sandbox.
isWalletEnabled Bool Pass true if you want to allow Google pay and apple pay enable for payment.
paymentTypes PaymentType Pass array of payment type which you want cutomer will use. Blank array will show all types.
image Image Pass your app logo or brand logo to show on Payment SDK.
titleText String Pass your Brand name to show on payment gate way.
paymentButtonColor Color Pass Color for Pay button background color.
paymentButtonTextColor Color Pass Color for Pay button text color.
themeColor Color Pass color for set theme color of overall Payment gateway.

Payment Completion response

Here is the response parameter list and description.

Field Name Type Description
orderid String Order id which you have passed.
transaction id String Transaction id of the transaction.
status String Status of your payment.1 = success, 2 = failed.
amount String Transaction amount.
payment mode String Mode which user has selected for the payment. Ex. CREDIT CARD,GOOGLE PAY, DEBIT CARD
transactionmode String Transaction mode. Ex. 1 = Sandbox, 2 = Production

Example of customisation

Example 1 :

                          orderId: "fdsgcfmgjd43424342g",
                          productDetail: [],
                          customerName: "demo",
                          amount: 148.00,
                          email: "",
                          mobile: "98989898",
                          token: token,
                          packageMode: PackageMode.release,
                          isWalletEnabled: true,
                          paymentTypes: [PaymentType.creditCard,PaymentType.debitCard,PaymentType.sadadPay],
                          image: Image.asset("assets/sample-Logo.jpg"),
                          titleText: "Lorem Ipsum",
                          paymentButtonTextColor: Colors.white,

Output 1:

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 14 Pro Max - 2024-05-24 at 10 52 12

Example 2 :

                          orderId: "fdsgcfmgjd43424342g",
                          productDetail: [],
                          customerName: "demo",
                          amount: 148.00,
                          email: "",
                          mobile: "98989898",
                          token: token,
                          packageMode: PackageMode.release,
                          isWalletEnabled: false,
                          paymentTypes: [PaymentType.creditCard,PaymentType.debitCard],
                          image: Image.asset("assets/Sample-Logo2.jpg"),
                          titleText: "Lorem Sample",
                          paymentButtonTextColor: Colors.white,
                          themeColor: Colors.brown)

Output 2:

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 14 Pro Max - 2024-05-24 at 10 59 41