transform method
Computes the tween
TimelineValue<T> transform(double t) {
var now = t * duration.inMicroseconds;
var allItems = _generateAbsoluteItems();
// It's faster to sort the entire array once than chop it up then sort each
// property-specific sub-array. The sorting is done because
// _transformProperty wants to process the scene items in `begin` order.
allItems.sort((a, b) => a.begin - b.begin);
// Each list in this map is automatically sorted because allItems
// is already pre-sorted by `begin` property. No extra sorting is
// necessary.
var propertyItems = <T, List<_AbsoluteSceneItem>>{};
for (var item in allItems) {
var items = propertyItems[];
if (items == null) {
propertyItems[] = items = <_AbsoluteSceneItem>[];
var valueMap = <T, dynamic>{};
for (var property in propertyItems.keys) {
_transformProperty(propertyItems[property]!, property, now, valueMap);
return TimelineValue<T>(map: valueMap);