createController method

AnimationController createController({
  1. bool unbounded = false,
  2. int? fps,

Creates an additional AnimationController instance that gets initialized and disposed by this mixin.

Optionally you can limit the framerate (fps) by specifying a target fps value.

You can create an unbound AnimationController by setting the unbounded parameter.

Example: (using supercharged)

class _MyAnimatedWidgetState extends State<MyAnimatedWidget>
    with AnimationMixin { // <-- use AnimationMixin

  AnimationController sizeController; // <-- declare custom AnimationController
  Animation<double> size;

  void initState() {
    sizeController = createController(); // <-- create custom AnimationController
    size = 0.0.tweenTo(100.0).animatedBy(sizeController); // <-- animate "size" with custom AnimationController 5.seconds); // <-- start playback on custom AnimationController

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(width: size.value, height: size.value, color:;


AnimationController createController({
  bool unbounded = false,
  int? fps,
}) {
  final instance = _newAnimationController(unbounded: unbounded, fps: fps);
  return instance;