toJson method

  1. @override
Map<String, dynamic> toJson()

Returns the information stored in this object in a way the it could be encoded via jsonEncode().


Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
  final Map<String, dynamic> newJson = <String, dynamic>{};
  newJson[DittoKeys.thingId] = id;
  newJson[DittoKeys.policyId] = id;
  final Map<String, dynamic> attributesMap = <String, dynamic>{};
  if (name != null) attributesMap[] = name;
  if (thingType != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.thingType] = _thingTypeToString(thingType!);
  if (dataModel != null) attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.dataModel] = dataModel;
  if (publicKey != null) attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.publicKey] = publicKey;
  if (allEndpoints != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.allEndpoints] =
        allEndpoints!.map((Endpoint e) => e.endpoint).toList();
  if (defaultEndpoint != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.defaultEndpoint] = defaultEndpoint;
  if (defaultHMI != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.defaultHMI] = defaultHMI;
  if (location != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.location] = location!.toJson();
  if (ownedBy != null) attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.ownedBy] = ownedBy;
  if (administratedBy != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.administratedBy] = administratedBy;
  if (usedBy != null) attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.usedBy] = usedBy;
  if (represents != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.represents] = represents;
  if (thingStructure != null)
    attributesMap[DirectoryKeys.thingStructure] = thingStructure!.toJson();
  if (attributesMap.isNotEmpty) newJson[DittoKeys.attributes] = attributesMap;
  return newJson;