createBrokerEndpoint method

Future<Endpoint> createBrokerEndpoint(
  1. String thingId, {
  2. bool encrypted = false,

Creates a new endpoint (queue with the matching binding) in the S3I-Broker.

Use encrypted to specify if the endpoint should indicate that decrypted messages are expected.

Throws a NetworkAuthenticationException if AuthenticationManager.getAccessToken fails. Throws a SocketException if no internet connection is available. Throws a NetworkResponseException if the received status code is not 201. Throws a ResponseParsingException if something went wrong during the parsing to an Endpoint.


Future<Endpoint> createBrokerEndpoint(String thingId,
    {bool encrypted = false}) async {
  final Response response = await postConfig('/things/$thingId/broker',
      jsonBody: <String, bool>{'encrypted': encrypted});
  if (response.statusCode != 201) throw NetworkResponseException(response);
  try {
    return Endpoint((jsonDecode(response.body)
        as Map<String, dynamic>)['queue_name'] as String);
  } on TypeError catch (e) {
    throw ResponseParsingException(
        InvalidJsonSchemaException(e.stackTrace.toString(), response.body));