S3ICore constructor

  1. AuthenticationManager authManager, {
  2. String directoryUrl = 'https://dir.s3i.vswf.dev/api/2',
  3. String configApiUrl = 'https://config.s3i.vswf.dev/',

Creates a new instance of S3ICore.

The authManager needs to be correctly setup and if you wish to connect to a different address of the S3I-Directory you could specify this in the directoryUrl. Use configApiUrl to specify an other endpoint for the Config-API.

Could throw a UnsupportedError if no platform appropriate client could be created.


    {this.directoryUrl = 'https://dir.s3i.vswf.dev/api/2',
    this.configApiUrl = 'https://config.s3i.vswf.dev/'});