getActiveBrokerDefaultConnector function

ActiveBrokerInterface getActiveBrokerDefaultConnector(
  1. AuthenticationManager authManager, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic> args = const <String, dynamic>{},

Creates a new BrokerRestConnector.

The instance is created with the authManager and the optional constructor arguments in the args (the string-keys should match the name of the parameters).

This is needed to use the same interface on web and other platforms.


ActiveBrokerInterface getActiveBrokerDefaultConnector(
    AuthenticationManager authManager,
    {Map<String, dynamic> args = const <String, dynamic>{}}) {
  final String brokerBaseUrl =
      args['brokerBaseUrl'] as String? ?? '';
  final int maxMessagesPerInterval =
      args['maxMessagesPerInterval'] as int? ?? 10;
  final Duration pollingInterval =
      args['pollingInterval'] as Duration? ?? const Duration(seconds: 1);
  return BrokerRestConnector(authManager,
      brokerBaseUrl: brokerBaseUrl,
      maxMessagesPerInterval: maxMessagesPerInterval,
      pollingInterval: pollingInterval);