RxLoader<R> constructor

const RxLoader<R>({
  1. Key? key,
  2. Key? spinnerKey,
  3. required Stream<CommandResult<dynamic, R>> commandResults,
  4. TargetPlatform? platform,
  5. double radius = 20.0,
  6. Color? backgroundColor,
  7. double? value,
  8. Animation<Color>? valueColor,
  9. double strokeWidth = 4.0,
  10. RxBuilder<R>? dataBuilder,
  11. PlaceHolderBuilder? placeHolderBuilder,
  12. ErrorBuilder<Exception>? errorBuilder,

Creates a new RxLoader instance commandResults : Stream<CommandResult<dynamic, R>> or a RxCommand<dynamic, R> that issues CommandResults platform : defines platform style of the Spinner. If this is null or not provided the style of the current platform will be used radius : radius of the Spinner dataBuilder : Builder that will be called as soon as an event with data is received. It will get passed the data feeld of the CommandResult. If this is null a Container will be created instead. placeHolderBuilder : Builder that will be called as soon as an event with data==null is received. If this is null a Container will be created instead. dataBuilder : Builder that will be called as soon as an event with an error is received. It will get passed the error feeld of the CommandResult. If this is null a Container will be created instead. spinnerKey Widget key of the Spinner Widget of the RxLoader. This can be usefull if you want to check in UI Tests if the Spinner is visible. all other parameters please see https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/CircularProgressIndicator-class.html they are ignored if the platform style is iOS.


const RxLoader({
  Key? key,
  required this.commandResults,
  this.radius = 20.0,
  this.strokeWidth = 4.0,
}) : super(key: key);