rx_command library


CommandError wraps an occurring error together with the argument that was passed when the command was called. This sort of objects are emitted on the .thrownExceptions ValueListenable of the Command
CommandResult<TParam, TResult>
Combined execution state of an RxCommand Will be issued for any state change of any of the fields During normal command execution you will get this items listening at the command's .results observable.
MockCommand<TParam, TResult>
MockCommand allows you to easily mock an RxCommand for your Unit and UI tests Mocking a command with mockito https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/mockito has its limitations.
RxCommand<TParam, TResult>
RxCommand capsules a given handler function that can then be executed by its execute method. The result of this method is then published through its Observable (Observable wrap Dart Streams) Additionally it offers Observables for it's current execution state, if the command can be executed and for all possibly thrown exceptions during command execution.
RxCommandAsync<TParam, TResult>
RxCommandListener<TParam, TResult>
RxCommandStream<TParam, TResult>
RxCommandSync<TParam, TResult>
Implementation of RxCommand to handle async handler functions. Normally you will not instantiate this directly but use one of the factory methods of RxCommand.


Action = void Function()
Action1<TParam> = void Function(TParam param)
AsyncAction = Future Function()
AsyncAction1<TParam> = Future Function(TParam param)
AsyncFunc<TResult> = Future<TResult> Function()
AsyncFunc1<TParam, TResult> = Future<TResult> Function(TParam param)
Func<TResult> = TResult Function()
Func1<TParam, TResult> = TResult Function(TParam param)
StreamProvider<TParam, TResult> = Stream<TResult> Function(TParam? param)