createAsyncNoParam<TResult> static method

RxCommand<void, TResult> createAsyncNoParam<TResult>(
  1. AsyncFunc<TResult> func, {
  2. Stream<bool>? restriction,
  3. bool emitInitialCommandResult = false,
  4. bool emitLastResult = false,
  5. bool emitsLastValueToNewSubscriptions = false,
  6. TResult? initialLastResult,
  7. String? debugName,

Creates a RxCommand for an asynchronous handler function with no parameter that returns a value func: handler function canExecute : observable that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change if omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing isExecuting will issue a bool value on each state change. Even if you subscribe to a newly created command it will issue false for the Observable<CommandResult> that RxCommand publishes in results this normally doesn't make sense if you want to get an initial Result with data==null, error==null, isExecuting==false pass emitInitialCommandResult=true. emitLastResult will include the value of the last successful execution in all CommandResult events unless there is no result. By default the results Observable and the RxCommand itself behave like a PublishSubject. If you want that it acts like a BehaviourSubject, meaning every listener gets the last received value, you can set emitsLastValueToNewSubscriptions = true. initialLastResult sets the value of the lastResult property before the first item was received. This is helpful if you use lastResult as initialData of a StreamBuilder debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler


static RxCommand<void, TResult> createAsyncNoParam<TResult>(
    AsyncFunc<TResult> func,
    {Stream<bool>? restriction,
    bool emitInitialCommandResult = false,
    bool emitLastResult = false,
    bool emitsLastValueToNewSubscriptions = false,
    TResult? initialLastResult,
    String? debugName}) {
  return RxCommandAsync<void, TResult>(