generateForAnnotatedElement method

  1. @override
Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
  1. Element element,
  2. ConstantReader annotation,
  3. BuildStep buildStep

Generates the bloc based on the class with the @RxBloc() annotation. If either the states or events class is missing the file is not generated.


Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
  Element element,
  ConstantReader annotation,
  BuildStep buildStep,
) async {
  final classElement = element as ClassElement;

  final libraryReader = LibraryReader(classElement.library);

  try {
    return _BuildController(
      rxBlocClass: classElement,

      /// Provides the events class as [ClassElement]
      /// abstract class {RxBlocName}BlocEvents {
      //   void fetch();
      // }
      eventClass: libraryReader.classes.firstWhereOrNull(
        (ClassElement classElement) => classElement.displayName

      /// Provides the states class as [ClassElement]
      /// abstract class {RxBlocName}BlocEvents {
      //   void fetch();
      // }
      stateClass: libraryReader.classes.firstWhereOrNull(
        (classElement) => classElement.displayName
  } on _RxBlocGeneratorException catch (e) {
    // User error
    return '/**\n${e.message}\n*/';
  } on FormatterException catch (e) {
    var message = e) => e.message).join('\n');
    // Format error
      'FormatterException \n $message',
      libraryReader.allElements.first.source? ?? '',
    return '/**\n${e.message}\n*/';
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    // System error
      libraryReader.allElements.first.source? ?? '',
    return '/**\n$e\n*/';