addObservable<T> method

Disposable addObservable<T>(
  1. Observable<T> observable, {
  2. S next(
    1. S state,
    2. T value
  3. S error(
    1. S state,
    2. Object error,
    3. StackTrace stackTrace
  4. S complete(
    1. S state
  5. bool ignoreErrors = false,

Adds an observable that asynchronously contributes to the state through next, error and complete reducers. These functions receive the current state and the events of the Observer to produce a new state.


Disposable addObservable<T>(
  Observable<T> observable, {
  S Function(S state, T value)? next,
  S Function(S state, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)? error,
  S Function(S state)? complete,
  bool ignoreErrors = false,
}) =>
      next: next == null
          ? null
          : (value) => update((state) => next(state, value)),
      error: error == null
          ? null
          : (exception, stackTrace) =>
              update((state) => error(state, exception, stackTrace)),
      complete: complete == null ? null : () => update(complete),
      ignoreErrors: ignoreErrors,