License: MIT


rw_git is a git wrapper that facilitates the out-of-the-box execution of common git operations.


  • x init: Initialize a local GIT directory. If the local directory does not exist, it will be created.
  • x clone: Clone a remote repository into a local folder. If the local directory does not exist, it will be created.
  • x checkout: Checkout a GIT branch on the specified, existing directory.
  • x fetchTags: Retrieve a list of tags of the specified repository.
  • x getCommitsBetween: Retrieve a list of commits between two given tags.
  • x stats: Get the number of lines inserted, deleted and number of files changed.

Getting started

pubspec.yaml: rw_git: 1.0.0


Initialize RwGit:

RwGit rwGit = RwGit();

Clone a remote repository:

String localDirectoryToCloneInto = _createCheckoutDirectory(localDirectoryName);
rwGit.clone(localDirectoryToCloneInto, repositoryToClone);

Fetch tags of a remote repository:

List<String> tags = await rwGit.fetchTags(localDirectoryToCloneInto);
print("Number of tags: ${tags.length}");

Retrieve the commits between two tags:

  List<String> listOfCommitsBetweenTwoTags = await rwGit.getCommitsBetween(localDirectoryToCloneInto, oldTag, newTag);
  print("Number of commits between $oldTag and $newTag: ${listOfCommitsBetweenTwoTags.length}");

Retrieve code-change statistics between two tags:

  ShortStatDto shortStatDto = await rwGit.stats(localDirectoryToCloneInto, oldTag, newTag);
  print('Number of lines inserted: ${shortStatDto.insertions}'
      ' Number of lines deleted: ${shortStatDto.deletions}'
      ' Number of files changed: ${shortStatDto.numberOfChangedFiles}');

Additional information

Please file any issues on the github issue tracker.


A simple GIT wrapper.