collect<T> static method

  1. @useResult
Option<T> collect<T>(
  1. Option<T> collector(
    1. U check<U>(
      1. Option<U> option

Encloses any number of operations, optionally returning early on None.

See collectAsync for an asynchronous version of this function.


final collected = Option.collect<int>((check) {
  // This passes the check and `first` gets the value `2`
  final first = check(const Some(2));

  // This fails the check and no value is returned from the collector
  final second = check(const None<int>());

  // This is never reached
  return Some(first + second);

// prints "None"


static Option<T> collect<T>(
  Option<T> Function(U Function<U>(Option<U> option) check) collector,
) {
  try {
    return collector(<U>(option) {
      return switch (option) {
        Some(:final value) => value,
        None() => throw const _CheckException()
  } on _CheckException {
    return None<T>();