transposed property

  1. @useResult
Option<Result<T, E>> transposed

A Result containing an Option transposed into an Option containing a Result.

An Ok with a None value will be mapped to a None, and an Ok with a Some value will be mapped to a Some with an Ok value. An Err will be mapped to a Some with an Err value.


// prints "Some(Ok(2))"
print(const Ok<Option<int>, String>(Some(2)).transposed);

// prints "Some(Err('error'))"
print(const Err<Option<int>, String>('error').transposed);


Option<Result<T, E>> get transposed {
  return switch (this) {
    // ignore: unused_result
    Ok(:final value) =><Result<T, E>>((value) => Ok<T, E>(value)),
    Err(:final error) => Some(Err(error)),