setRange method

  1. @override
void setRange(
  1. int start,
  2. int end,
  3. Iterable<T> iterable, [
  4. int skipCount = 0,

Writes some elements of iterable into a range of this list. Copies the objects of iterable, skipping skipCount objects first, into the range from start, inclusive, to end, exclusive, of this slice.


void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<T> iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) {
  final (normalizedStart, normalizedEnd) =
      _validateAndNormalizeRange(start, end);
  final iterator = iterable.skip(skipCount).iterator;
  for (int i = normalizedStart; i < normalizedEnd; i++) {
    if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
    _list[i] = iterator.current;