OptionMethodsExtension<T extends Object> extension



and<U extends Object>(Option<U> other) Option<U>
Returns None if the option is None, otherwise returns other.
andThen<U extends Object>(Option<U> f(T)) Option<U>
Returns None if the option is None, otherwise calls f with the wrapped value and returns the result. Some languages call this operation flatmap.
expect(String msg) → T
Returns the contained Some value if Some, otherwise throws a Panic.
filter(bool predicate(T)) Option<T>
Returns None if the option is None, otherwise calls predicate with the wrapped value and returns Some(t) if predicate returns true (where t is the wrapped value), and
inspect(dynamic f(T)) Option<T>
Calls the provided closure with a reference to the contained value
isNone() bool
Returns true if the option is a None value.
isSome() bool
Returns true if the option is a Some value.
isSomeAnd(bool f(T)) bool
Returns true if the option is a Some and the value inside of it matches a predicate.
iter() Iter<T>
Returns an Iter over the possibly contained value.
map<U extends Object>(U f(T)) Option<U>
Maps an this Option
mapOr<U>(U defaultValue, U f(T)) → U
Returns the provided default result (if none), or applies a function to the contained value (if any).
mapOrElse<U>(U defaultFn(), U f(T)) → U
Computes a default function result (if none), or applies a different function to the contained value (if any).
okOr<E extends Object>(E err) Result<T, E>
Transforms the Option
okOrElse<E extends Object>(E errFn()) Result<T, E>
Transforms the Option
or(Option<T> other) Option<T>
Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise returns other.
orElse(Option<T> f()) Option<T>
Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise calls f and returns the result.
toNullable() → T?
Returns the inner type as the nullable version of T
unwrap() → T
Returns the contained Some value, consuming the self value.
unwrapOr(T defaultValue) → T
Returns the contained Some value or a provided default.
unwrapOrElse(T f()) → T
Returns the contained Some value or computes it from a closure.
xor(Option<T> other) Option<T>
Returns Some if exactly one of self, other is Some, otherwise returns None.
zip<U extends Object>(Option<U> other) Option<(T, U)>
Zips self with another Option.
zipWith<U extends Object, R extends Object>(Option<U> other, R f(T, U)) Option<R>
Zips self and another Option with function f


operator [](_OptionEarlyReturnKey op) → T
Functions an "Early Return Operator" when given an "Early Return key" "$". See Option.$ for more information.