RulerScalePickerOptions constructor

const RulerScalePickerOptions({
  1. bool isEnabled = true,
  2. Axis orientation = Axis.horizontal,
  3. int majorIndicatorInterval = 10,
  4. double indicatorExtend = 10,
  5. bool showControls = true,

Creates the configuration for a RulerPicker<T>.


const RulerScalePickerOptions({
  this.isEnabled = true,
  this.orientation = Axis.horizontal,
  this.majorIndicatorInterval = 10,
  this.indicatorExtend = 10,
  this.showControls = true,
})  : assert(
        indicatorExtend > 0,
        '[indicatorExtend] must be greater 0',
        majorIndicatorInterval > 0,
        '[majorIndicatorInterval] must be greater 0',