generateDate static method
Generates a random date of birth (YYMMDD) within a specified date range.
The maxDate
and minDate
parameters define the date range for generating the birth date.
Returns a string representing the generated date of birth.
static String generateDate({DateTime? maxDate, DateTime? minDate}) {
final fromDate = maxDate ?? DateTime(1920);
final toDate = minDate ??;
if (fromDate.isAfter(toDate) == true ||
fromDate.isAtSameMomentAs(toDate) == true) {
throw "Invalid date range: maxDate should not be after minDate.";
final timeBetweenDates =
toDate.subtract(Duration(days: toDate.difference(fromDate).inDays));
final int daysBetweenDates = toDate.difference(fromDate).inDays;
final int randomNumberOfDays = Random().nextInt(daysBetweenDates);
final DateTime randomDate =
timeBetweenDates.add(Duration(days: randomNumberOfDays));
return DateFormat('yyMMdd').format(randomDate);