routing_client_dart library


earthRadius → const double
osmValhallaServer → const String
oSRMServer → const String


convertNestedLngLatToList(List nestedList) List
parseRoad(ParserRoadComputeArg data) Future<OSRMRoad>
parseRoad this method used to parse json get it from route service to Road object we use this method in another thread like compute the data is ParserRoadComputeArg that will to be parsed to Road fix parsing problem #1 return Road object that contain list of waypoint and distance and duration of the road
parseToDouble(dynamic value) double
parseTrip(ParserTripComputeArg data) Future<OSRMRoad>
parseTrip this method used to parse json get from trip service, the data is ParserTripComputeArg that contain information need it to be parsed to Road such as json map and language that will be instruction return Road object that contain list of waypoint and other information this road represent trip that will pass by all geopoint entered as args and this road will not be the shortes route


TurnByTurnInformation = ({RouteInstruction currentInstruction, double distance, RouteInstruction? nextInstruction})