copyWith method

NavigationCrossroad<T> copyWith({
  1. T? activeBranch,
  2. Map<T, NavigationStack<T>>? availableBranches,
  3. bool resetBranch = false,
  4. Object? branchParam,


NavigationCrossroad<T> copyWith({
  T? activeBranch,
  Map<T, NavigationStack<T>>? availableBranches,

  /// Resets the stack of the given branch.
  /// Meaning it will be filled with default stack based on routes.
  bool resetBranch = false,
  Object? branchParam,
}) {
  final tmp = NavigationCrossroad(
    navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
    navigatorKeys: navigatorKeys,
    activeBranch: activeBranch ?? this.activeBranch,
    availableBranches: availableBranches != null
        ? UnmodifiableMapView(availableBranches)
        : this.availableBranches,
    branchParam: branchParam ?? this.branchParam,
    branchParams: branchParam != null
            (key, value) => MapEntry(
              key == (activeBranch ?? this.activeBranch)
                  ? branchParam
                  : value,
        : branchParams,

  if (resetBranch) {
    final branches = Map<T, NavigationStack<T>>.from(tmp.availableBranches);

    /// When set to empty stack, it will be automatically filled.
    branches[tmp.activeBranch] = NavigationStack([]);
    return tmp.copyWith(availableBranches: branches);

  return tmp;