queryParameters property

Map<String, String> queryParameters

Parse the query parameters passed in the route name Example: routeName?id=1&name=foo will result in {'id': '1', 'name':'foo'}


Map<String, String> get queryParameters {
  if (_queryParameters != null) {
    return _queryParameters ?? {};

  final urlParts = settings.name?.split('?') ?? [];
  if (urlParts.length > 1) {
    final paramPart = urlParts[1];
    final params = <String, String>{};
    paramPart.split('&').forEach((p) {
      final split = p.split('=');
      final key = split[0];
      final value = split[1];
      params[key] = value;
    _queryParameters = params;

  _queryParameters ??= {};
  return _queryParameters ?? {};