A simple package to implement mutations for riverpod

  • Intended to be a stop-gap measure intended to be replaced by official riverpod mutations, once they are implemented.
  • Intended to be hopefully api-compatible with riverpod mutations once they are implemented.


Simply and intuitively handle the state of any async function

Getting started

  riverpod_mutations: ^1.0.0
  # or flutter_riverpod or hooks_riverpod
  riverpod: ^2.2.0
  # For generator
  riverpod_annotation: ^1.2.1

# Generator
  riverpod_generator: ^1.2.0
  build_runner: ^2.3.3


import 'package:riverpod/riverpod.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_mutations/riverpod_mutations.dart';

part 'riverpod_mutations_example.g.dart';

MutationState<double, String> stringToDouble(StringToDoubleRef ref) {
  // user passes in a String
  // the string gets parsed.
  // if successful, you get a MutationData
  // if failed (invalid input) you get a MutationError
  return MutationState.create(ref, (something) async {
    await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
    print('Got $something');
    return double.parse(something);

example(ref) {
  final stringToDouble = ref.watch(stringToDoubleProvider);

Additional information

File issues on github.

This package is intended to be superseded by riverpod's own eventual implementation


A Library that provides a way to handle mutations with riverpod