AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<T>, T> typedef

AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>

A Notifier implementation that is asynchronously initialized.

It is commonly used for:

  • Caching a network request while also allowing to perform side-effects. For example, build could fetch information about the current "user". And the AsyncNotifier could expose methods such as "setName", to allow changing the current user name.
  • Initializing a Notifier from an asynchronous source of data. For example, obtaining the initial state of Notifier from a local database.


typedef AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider<
        NotifierT extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<T>, T>
    = AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>;