listen<T> abstract method

  1. @override
void Function() listen<T>(
  1. ProviderListenable<T> provider,
  2. void listener(
    1. T? previous,
    2. T next
    ), {
  3. bool fireImmediately,
  4. void onError(
    1. Object error,
    2. StackTrace stackTrace

Listen to a provider and call listener whenever its value changes.

Listeners will automatically be removed when the provider rebuilds (such as when a provider listeneed with watch changes).

Returns a function that allows cancelling the subscription early.

  • fireImmediately can be optionally passed to tell Riverpod to immediately call the listener with the current value. Defaults to false.


void Function() listen<T>(
  // overridden to allow AutoDisposeProviderBase
  ProviderListenable<T> provider,
  void Function(T? previous, T next) listener, {
  bool fireImmediately,
  void Function(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)? onError,