JavascriptExecutorBase class

A class that handles all editor-related javascript functions




commandStates Map<CommandName, CommandState>
getter/setter pair
commandStatesChangedListeners List<Map<CommandName, CommandState>>
getter/setter pair
defaultEncoding String
getter/setter pair
defaultHtml String
getter/setter pair
didHtmlChange bool
getter/setter pair
didHtmlChangeListeners List<DidHtmlChangeListener>
getter/setter pair
editorStateChangedCallbackScheme String
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
htmlChangedListeners List<HtmlChangedListener>
getter/setter pair
htmlField String?
getter/setter pair
isLoaded bool
getter/setter pair
loadedListeners List<LoadedListener>
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


decodeHtml(String html) → dynamic
disableImageResizing() → dynamic
Disable Images resizing
encodeHtml(String html) → dynamic
executeJavascript(String command) → dynamic
Run Javascript commands in the editor using the webview controller
focus() → dynamic
Focus on editor and bring up keyboard
getCachedHtml() String
getCurrentHtml() → dynamic
Get current HTML data from Editor
init(InAppWebViewController? controller) → dynamic
Initialise the controller so we don't have to pass a controller into every Method
insertBulletList() → dynamic
Start an unordered list
insertCheckbox(String text) → dynamic
Add a checkbox to the current editor
insertHtml(String html) → dynamic
Insert HTML code into the editor (It wont display the HTML code but it'll render it)
insertImage(String url, {String? alt, int? width, int? height, int? rotation}) → dynamic
The rotation parameter is used to signal that the image is rotated and should be rotated by CSS by given value. Rotation can be one of the following values: 0, 90, 180, 270.
Insert hyper link / make selected text an hyperlink
insertNumberedList() → dynamic
Start a ordered list
insertVideo(String url, {int? width, int? height, bool fromDevice = true}) → dynamic
Insert video from Youtube or Device might work with dailymotion but i've not tested that
isDefaultRichTextEditorHtml(String html) bool
Check if editor's content has been modified
makeImagesResizeable() → dynamic
Enable Images resizing
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
redo() → dynamic
Redo last editor command/action
removeFormat() → dynamic
Remove formatting from selected text
setBackgroundColor(Color? color) → dynamic
Set a Color for the editor's background
setBackgroundImage(String image) → dynamic
Set an image for the editor's background
setBaseFontFamily(String fontFamily) → dynamic
Set a default editor text font family
setBaseTextColor(Color? color) → dynamic
Set a default editor text color
setBlockQuote() → dynamic
Create BlockQuote / make selected text a BlockQuote
setBold() → dynamic
Make selected or subsequent text Bold
setEditorHeight(int px) → dynamic
Set editor's height in pixels
setEditorWidth(int px) → dynamic
Set editor's width in pixels
setFontName(String fontName) → dynamic
Apply a font face to selected text
setFontSize(int fontSize) → dynamic
Apply a font size to selected text (Value can only be between 1 and 7)
setFormattingToParagraph() → dynamic
setHeading(int heading) → dynamic
Apply a Heading style to selected text (Value can only be between 1 and 6)
setHtml(String html) → dynamic
Display HTML data in editor
setIndent() → dynamic
Add indentation
setInputEnabled(bool inputEnabled) → dynamic
Enable text input on editor
setItalic() → dynamic
Make selected or subsequent text Italic
setJustifyCenter() → dynamic
Align content center
setJustifyFull() → dynamic
Justify content
setJustifyLeft() → dynamic
Align content left
setJustifyRight() → dynamic
Align content right
setOutdent() → dynamic
Remove indentation
setPadding(EdgeInsets? padding) → dynamic
Add padding to the editor's content
setPlaceholder(String placeholder) → dynamic
Set a hint when the editor is empty Doesn't actually work for now
setPreformat() → dynamic
setStrikeThrough() → dynamic
Strike through selected text
setSubscript() → dynamic
Make selected or subsequent text Subscript
setSuperscript() → dynamic
Make selected or subsequent text Superscript
setTextBackgroundColor(Color? color) → dynamic
Set a Color for the selected text's background
setTextColor(Color? color) → dynamic
Set a Color for the selected text
setUnderline() → dynamic
Make selected or subsequent text Underlined
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
undo() → dynamic
Undo last editor command/action
unFocus() → dynamic
Remove focus from the editor and close the keyboard


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.