Tuple2Ops<A, B> extension

  • (A, B)


last → B
Returns the last item of this tuple.
no setter


append<C>(C $3) → (A, B, C)
Returns a new tuple with $3 appended to the end.
bimap<C, D>(Function1<A, C> fa, Function1<B, D> fb) → (C, D)
Applies each function to the respective item of this tuple.
call<C>(Function2<A, B, C> f) → C
Syntax to allow calling a tuple as a function and automatically destructure the elements.
copy({A? $1, B? $2}) → (A, B)
Returns a copy of this tuple, where any given value(s) override this tuples value(s).
prepend<C>(C $3) → (C, A, B)
Returns a new tuple with $3 prepended at the beginning.