process method

Future<RhinoInference> process(
  1. List<int>? frame

Process a frame of pcm audio with the speech-to-intent engine.

frame frame of 16-bit integers of 16kHz linear PCM mono audio. The specific array length is obtained from Rhino via the frameLength field.

returns RhinoInference object.


Future<RhinoInference> process(List<int>? frame) async {
  if (_handle == null) {
    throw RhinoInvalidStateException(
        "Unable to process with Rhino - resources have already been released");

  try {
    Map<String, dynamic> inference = Map<String, dynamic>.from(await _channel
        .invokeMethod(, {'handle': _handle, 'frame': frame}));

    if (inference['isFinalized'] == null) {
      throw RhinoInvalidStateException(
          "field 'isFinalized' must be always present");

    if (inference['slots'] != null) {
      inference['slots'] = Map<String, String>.from(inference['slots']);

    return RhinoInference(inference['isFinalized'], inference['isUnderstood'],
        inference['intent'], inference['slots']);
  } on PlatformException catch (error) {
    throw rhinoStatusToException(error.code, error.message);
  } on Exception catch (error) {
    throw RhinoException(error.toString());