createCoreWidgets function

LocalWidgetLibrary createCoreWidgets()

A widget library for Remote Flutter Widgets that defines widgets that are implemented on the client in terms of Flutter widgets from the widgets Dart library.

The following widgets are implemented:

For each, every parameter is implemented using the same name. Parameters that take structured types are represented using maps, with each named parameter of that type's default constructor represented by a key, with the following notable caveats and exceptions:

  • Enums are represented as strings with the unqualified name of the value. For example, MainAxisAlignment.start is represented as the string "start".

  • Types that have multiple subclasses (or multiple very unrelated constructors, like ColorFilter) are represented as maps where the type key specifies the type. Typically these have an extension mechanism.

  • Matrices are represented as column-major flattened arrays. Matrix4 values must have exactly 16 doubles in the array.

  • AlignmentGeometry values can be represented either as {x: ..., y: ...} for a non-directional variant or {start: ..., y: ...} for a directional variant.

  • BoxBorder instances are defined as arrays of BorderSide maps. If the array has length 1, then that value is used for all four sides. Two values become the horizontal and vertical sides respectively. Three values become the start, top-and-bottom, and end respectively. Four values become the start, top, end, and bottom respectively.

  • BorderRadiusGeometry values work similarly to BoxBorder, as an array of Radius values. If the array has one value, it's used for all corners. With two values, the first becomes the topStart and bottomStart corners and the second the topEnd and bottomEnd. With three, the values are used for topStart, topEnd-and-bottomEnd, and bottomStart respectively. Four values map to the topStart, topEnd, bottomStart, and bottomEnd respectively.

  • Color values are represented as integers. The hex literal values are most convenient for this, the alpha, red, green, and blue channels map to the 32 bit hex integer as 0xAARRGGBB.

  • ColorFilter is represented as a map with a type key that matches the constructor name (e.g. linearToSrgbGamma). The matrix version uses the matrix key for the matrix, expecting a 20-value array. The mode version expects a color key for the color (defaults to black) and a blendMode key for the blend mode (defaults to BlendMode.srcOver). Other types are looked up in ArgumentDecoders.colorFilterDecoders.

  • Curve values are represented as a string giving the kind of curve from the predefined Curves, e.g. easeInOutCubicEmphasized. More types may be added using ArgumentDecoders.curveDecoders.

  • The types supported for Decoration are box for BoxDecoration, flutterLogo for FlutterLogoDecoration, and shape for ShapeDecoration. More types can be added with decorationDecoders.

  • DecorationImage expects a source key that gives either an absolute URL (to use a NetworkImage) or the name of an asset in the client binary (to use AssetImage). In the case of a URL, the scale key gives the scale to pass to the NetworkImage constructor. DecorationImage.onError is supported as an event handler with arguments giving the stringified exception and stack trace. Values can be added to ArgumentDecoders.imageProviderDecoders to override the behavior described here.

  • Duration is represented by an integer giving milliseconds.

  • EdgeInsetsGeometry values work like BoxBorder, with each value in the array being a double rather than a map.

  • FontFeature values are a map with a feature key and a value key. The value defaults to 1. (Technically the feature defaults to NONE, too, but that's hardly useful.)

  • The dart:ui.Gradient and painting.Gradient types are both represented as a map with a type that is either linear (for LinearGradient), radial (for RadialGradient), or sweep (for SweepGradient), using the conventions from the painting.Gradient version. The transform property on these objects is not currently supported. New gradient types can be implemented using ArgumentDecoders.gradientDecoders.

  • The GridDelegate type is represented as a map with a type key that is either fixedCrossAxisCount for SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount or maxCrossAxisExtent for SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent. New delegate types can be supported using ArgumentDecoders.gridDelegateDecoders.

  • IconData is represented as a map with an icon key giving the IconData.codePoint (and corresponding keys for the other parameters of the IconData constructor). To determine the values to use for icons in the MaterialIcons font, see how the icons are defined in Icons. For example, Icons.flutter_dash is IconData(0xe2a0, fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons') so it would be represented here as { icon: 0xE2A0, fontFamily: "MaterialIcons" }. (The client must have the font as a defined asset.)

  • Locale values are defined as a string in the form languageCode, languageCode-countryCode, or languageCode-scriptCode-countryCode-ignoredSubtags. The string is split on hyphens.

  • MaskFilter is represented as a map with a type key that must be blur; only MaskFilter.blur is supported. (The other keys must be style, the BlurStyle, and sigma.)

  • Offsets are a map with an x key and a y key.

  • Paint objects are represented as maps; each property of Paint is a key as if there was a constructor that could set all of Paint's properties with named parameters. In principle all properties are supported, though since Paint is only used as part of painting.TextStyle.background and painting.TextStyle.foreground, in practice some of the properties are ignored since they would be no-ops (e.g. invertColors).

  • Radius is represented as a map with an x value and optionally a y value; if the y value is absent, the x value is used for both.

  • Rect values are represented as an array with four doubles, giving the x, y, width, and height respectively.

  • ShapeBorder values are represented as either maps with a type or as an array of ShapeBorder values. In the array case, the values are reduced together using ShapeBorder.+. When represented as maps, the type must be one of box (BoxBorder), beveled (BeveledRectangleBorder), circle (CircleBorder), continuous (ContinuousRectangleBorder), rounded (RoundedRectangleBorder), or stadium (StadiumBorder). In the case of box, there must be a sides key whose value is an array that is interpreted as per BoxBorder above. Support for new types can be added using the ArgumentDecoders.shapeBorderDecoders map.

  • Shader values are a map with a type that is either linear, radial, or sweep; in each case, the data is interpreted as per the Gradient case above, except that the gradient is specifically applied to a Rect given by the rect key and a TextDirection given by the textDirection key. New shader types can be added using ArgumentDecoders.shaderDecoders.

  • TextDecoration is represented either as an array of TextDecoration values (combined via TextDecoration.combine) or a string which matches the name of one of the TextDecoration constants (e.g. underline).

  • VisualDensity is either represented as a string which matches one of the predefined values (adaptivePlatformDensity, comfortable, etc), or as a map with keys horizontal and vertical to define a custom density.

Some of the widgets have special considerations:

  • Image does not support the builder callbacks or the Image.opacity parameter (because builders are code and code can't be represented in RFW arguments). The map should have a source key that is interpreted as described above for DecorationImage. If the source is omitted, an AssetImage with the name error.png is used instead (which will likely fail unless such an asset is declared in the client).

  • Parameters of type ScrollController and ScrollPhysics are not supported, because they can't really be exposed to declarative code (they expect to be configured using code that implements delegates or that interacts with controllers).

  • The Text widget's first argument, the string, is represented using the key text, which must be either a string or an array of strings to be concatenated.

One additional widget is defined, AnimationDefaults. It has a duration argument and curve argument. It sets the default animation duration and curve for widgets in the library that use the animated variants. If absent, a default of 200ms and Curves.fastOutSlowIn is used.


LocalWidgetLibrary createCoreWidgets() => LocalWidgetLibrary(_coreWidgetsDefinitions);