locale static method
Returns a Locale from the specified string.
The string is split on hyphens ("-").
If the string is null, returns null.
If there is no hyphen in the list, uses the one-argument form of Locale, passing the whole string.
If there is one hyphen in the list, uses the two-argument form of Locale, passing the parts before and after the hyphen respectively.
If there are two or more hyphens, uses the Locale.fromSubtags constructor.
static Locale? locale(DataSource source, List<Object> key) {
final String? value = source.v<String>(key);
if (value == null) {
return null;
final List<String> subtags = value.split('-');
if (subtags.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (subtags.length == 1) {
return Locale(value);
if (subtags.length == 2) {
return Locale(subtags[0], subtags[1]);
// TODO(ianh): verify this is correct (I tried looking up the Unicode spec but it was... confusing)
return Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: subtags[0], scriptCode: subtags[1], countryCode: subtags[2]);