

this is the expand or collapsed text and support multiple situations

安装 install

rf_expand_collapse_text: ^0.0.1

演示 Demo


接口一览 Interface Glance

class RFExpandCollapseText extends StatefulWidget {
  const RFExpandCollapseText({
    Key? key,
    required this.text,
    required this.textStyle,
    required this.expandStr,
    required this.collapseStr,
    required this.expandOrCollapseStyle,
    this.maxLines = 2,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final String text;
  final TextStyle textStyle;
  final String expandStr;//展开
  final String collapseStr;//收起
  final TextStyle expandOrCollapseStyle;
  final int? maxLines;//默认2行
  final bool? isExpanding; //初始是否 展开还是收起
  final ValueChanged<bool>? onChangeExpandStatus;//通知外面当前展开还是收起的状态
  final bool? isResponeAllText;//是否所有文本都响应展开或收起操作

  State<RFExpandCollapseText> createState() => _RFExpandCollapseTextState();

使用 how to use

  • 基本功能basic
  margin: margin_bottom,
  padding: padding,
  color: Colors.grey[400],
  child: RFExpandCollapseText(
    text: text,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black,fontSize: 18),
    expandStr: '展开',
    collapseStr: '收起',
    expandOrCollapseStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.blue,fontSize: 18),
    maxLines: 2,
  • 自定义折行数custom maxLines
  margin: margin_bottom,
  padding: padding,
  color: Colors.grey[400],
  child: RFExpandCollapseText(
    text: text,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black,fontSize: 18),
    expandStr: '展开',
    collapseStr: '收起',
    expandOrCollapseStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.blue,fontSize: 18),
    maxLines: 3,
  • 自定义动作文字custom action title
  margin: margin_bottom,
  padding: padding,
  color: Colors.grey[400],
  child: RFExpandCollapseText(
    text: text,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black,fontSize: 18),
    expandStr: 'show more',
    collapseStr: 'close more',
    expandOrCollapseStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.blue,fontSize: 18),
    maxLines: 2,
  • 全局文字点击事件响应all text respone
  margin: margin_bottom,
  padding: padding,
  color: Colors.grey[400],
  child: RFExpandCollapseText(
    text: text,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black,fontSize: 18),
    expandStr: '展开',
    collapseStr: '收起',
    expandOrCollapseStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.blue,fontSize: 18),
    maxLines: 2,
    isResponeAllText: true,
  • 自定义展开状态custom expand or collapse
  margin: margin_bottom,
  padding: padding,
  color: Colors.grey[400],
  child: RFExpandCollapseText(
    text: text,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black,fontSize: 18),
    expandStr: '展开',
    collapseStr: '收起',
    expandOrCollapseStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.blue,fontSize: 18),
    maxLines: 2,
    isExpanding: false,
  • 没有超出,不需要折行not overflow
  margin: margin_bottom,
  padding: padding,
  color: Colors.grey[400],
  child: const RFExpandCollapseText(
    text: '没有超出规定行数,不需要.没有超出规定行数,不需要这行展示',
    textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.black,fontSize: 18),
    expandStr: '展开',
    collapseStr: '收起',
    expandOrCollapseStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue,fontSize: 18),
    maxLines: 2,

原理 principle

  • 使用LayoutBuilder获取当前widget所能提供的最大宽度
  • 使用TextPainter计算是否超出规定的行数
  • 使用RichText拼接展示

其他请看github源码 ==> rf_expand_collapse_text

拓展 extend

仿iOS group tableview -- rf_section_listview