configFor method


RevaliConstructConfig configFor(ConstructMaker maker) {
  final defaultConfig = RevaliConstructConfig(name:;

  final constructsByName = <String, List<RevaliConstructConfig>>{};
  for (final construct in constructs) {
    (constructsByName[] ??= []).add(construct);

  final configs = constructsByName[];

  if (configs == null) {
    return defaultConfig;

  if (configs.length == 1) {
    return configs.first;

  final configsByPackage = {
    for (final config in configs) config.package: config,

  if (configsByPackage[maker.package] case final config?) {
    return config;

  throw Exception(
    'Multiple configs with the same name. '
    'Try adding the `package` key to identify '
    'the different constructs',