attach method

Future<void> attach()


Future<void> attach() async {
  /// Current server instance
  HttpServer? runningServer;

  /// Configure logging
  hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = true;
  HotReloader.logLevel = logLevel;

  /// Function in charge of replacing the running http server
  Future<void> obtainNewServer(FutureOr<HttpServer> Function() create) async {
    /// Shut down existing server
    await runningServer?.close(force: true);

    /// Create a new server
    runningServer = await create();

  try {
    /// Register the server reload mechanism to the generic HotReloader.
    /// It will throw an error if reloading is not available.
    await HotReloader.create(
      onBeforeReload: (context) {
        final path = context.event?.path;

        final out = log.level < Level.SEVERE ? stdout : stderr;

        if (path == null) {
          return false;

        final cwd = Directory.current.path;
        if (!p.isWithin(cwd, path)) {

          return true;

        final lib = Directory(p.join(cwd, 'lib')).path;
        final routes = Directory(p.join(cwd, 'routes')).path;
        final public = Directory(p.join(cwd, 'public')).path;
        final revali = Directory(p.join(cwd, '.revali')).path;

        if (p.isWithin(lib, path)) {
          return true;

        if (p.isWithin(revali, path)) {
          return true;

        if (p.isWithin(routes, path) || p.isWithin(public, path)) {
          // The construct runner will be triggered and will update
          // the server file.
          return false;

        return false;
      onAfterReload: (ctx) async {
        await obtainNewServer(serverFactory);


    /// Hot-reload is available
    // ignore: avoid_catching_errors
  } on StateError catch (e) {
    if (e.message.contains('VM service not available')) {
      /// Hot-reload is not available
    } else {

  await obtainNewServer(serverFactory);