runCatchingAsync<T> function

FutureResult<T, dynamic> runCatchingAsync<T>(
  1. FutureResult<T, dynamic> function()

Runs the passed in async function catching any thrown error objects and returning it as a result monad.

If the function completes without throwing an exception its corresponding value is returned. If an exception is thrown then an error monad will be returned instead.

final sizeResult = await runCatching(()async{
  final file = File(filename);
  final stat = await file.stats();
  return stat.fileSize();

  (size) => print('File size: $size'),
  (error) => print('Error accessing $filename: $error')


FutureResult<T, dynamic> runCatchingAsync<T>(
    FutureResult<T, dynamic> Function() function) async {
  try {
    return await function();
  } catch (e) {
    return Result.error(e);