runCatching<R> function

Result<R> runCatching<R>(
  1. Block<R> block, {
  2. bool test(
    1. Object error

Calls the specified function block and returns your value encapsulated in the Result if invocation is successful, catches any error that is thrown from the block function execution, then test is called with the error value, if test is true, the error and the StackTrace are encapsulating it as a failure in Result, otherwise, if test is false, then the error is rethrow.

If test is omitted, it defaults to a function that always returns true.

It's very similar with Future.catchError.

Note, that this function rethrows any error thrown by test function.


Result<R> runCatching<R>(
  Block<R> block, {
  bool Function(Object error)? test,
}) {
  try {
    return Result.success(block());
  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    if (test?.call(error) ?? true) {
      return Result.failure(error, stackTrace);